How I stay mindful throughout the day

How I stay mindful throughout the day

Apr 20, 2021

How mindful are you throughout the day? Have you ever really thought about it or do you just plod along? For many people their days are the same old routine with the same old conversations. It can be really hard to change things up with work and family commitments. But, living more mindfully helps you see the world in a different light. 

Staying mindful is a really important part of my day. Especially because I am looking after my little 2 year old. Don’t get me wrong I love being at home with him but it’s hard work and we have the same old routine most days. 

But whether or not you are a parent or not mindfulness can help anyone in any situation. Perhaps you have a highly stressful job with a boss that expects you to go above and beyond your pay grade or just find yourself flitting from one place to another without having the time to think about yourself.

It is not unusual in this fast paced world for us to completely forget our heads. Thank goodness they are attached to our bodies! It always seems like there is something to do. A list that is never quite finished. Which is where mindfulness come in.

Mindfulness gives our mind and bodies a little break, even if it is just for five or ten minutes a day. That little break can work wonders for our happiness and wellbeing. It can provide a more positive outlook or simply give us a well deserved break from all the chaos in our mind and everyday lives.

So let me share with you what I do to stay mindful during my day. I hope it will help and inspire you to try some of them to see what works for you.

1: Burning a scented oil or candle. Having a lovely scent wafting through the air is a great way to tap into your sense of smell. As you walk into the room and breathe in that beautiful scent it allows you to stop and really enjoy it. For a few moments just thinking about how lovely it is. If you're not a fan of flames, then there are wonderful oil diffusers that also come with timers.

2: Background music. Having lovely music on in the background as you are working/ cooking or just relaxing creates a lovely atmosphere and again it taps into get another sense and allows you to be more aware. Whether it's the radio or a favourite playlist or CD. Music creates happiness and promotes wellbeing. I often enjoy zen spa type music when I need to wind down. Make time to just sit and listen to a whole song without any distractions.

3: Mindful Drinking. We often find ourselves grabbing a coffee and guzzling it down before our next meeting or because we are rushing around. Try and stop even for 2 minutes and just enjoy the taste and sensations. Feel the warmth of the drink in your hands. Feel it warm you as you drink it. Taste its sweetness or bitterness. Just take a few moments to actually enjoy it. Tap into all of your senses.

4: Breathe. Sounds really silly doesn't it. We are breathing constantly. But are you mindful of your breath and grateful for it? Breathing keeps you alive. So instead of taking it for granted spend just a few moments concentrating on your breath and feeling it as it expands your body with each inhale. You'll be surprised at how calming it is to just follow your breath for a few moments. Try it during stressful or frustrating situations before reacting. I bet you will react differently to how you would have initially. Set aside just five minutes during your day to just breathe and concentrate solely on your breathe.

These are just four ways to help you stay mindful throughout your day. In reality there are hundreds of ways to stay mindful. All you really need to do is simply be in the moment. Not thinking or living in the past or future. Just thinking and living in the here and now. Try living mindful for a day and see how great you feel.

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