Those That Would Prioritise
A Consumable Reality
Over An Immanent Plurality
Transforming The Meaning Of Meaning
Into Ownership
Not The Disownership
Of The Dedication To
Something Beyond The Self
Or Its Extensions
The Beauty Of Family
Is Lost In This Malarky
Trapped In A Way To Justify
Its Own Centrality
But Forever Failing To Do Just That
Incapable Under Conditions
Prescribing The Ambitions
Of An Individuality Foregone
That Fails To Understand
The Urgency Of A Demand
To Transform
Into Something More Than This
A Possibility To Traverse
The Familial Phantasy
Traverse The Familial Phantasy
At The Heart Of A Society
That Loves Only To Love Love
Think of something you would really like your mother to do. It should be something you care about deeply, such as reading something you think is important, engaging in some activity etc.
Call your mother and tell them to drop everything to do this for you in this moment. If they are unwilling and unable to provide a reason beyond participating in continued consumption (i.e. continuing their mediocre existence), warn them seriously that you will never speak to them again. If they still refuse, hang up. Whether you threat was empty or not is up to you.
Call your father and repeat.
Reflect on the experience thinking about what it reveals about love, consumption, desire, family, and anything else.
Share your experiences on this page, if you feel like it.