Thirty $5 Tim Hortons cards delivered to ...

Thirty $5 Tim Hortons cards delivered to Royal Alexandra DOR/PACU

Oct 13, 2021


Thirty $5 Tim Hortons coffee cards delivered to the Royal Alexandra Hospital DOR/PACU.

I entered the facility into the the atrium. They have a temporary walled off area built for staff to go and relax and grab some sleep. It looked quite well utilized tonight.

The quick elevator ride to the third floor was a familiar one, being the DOR is right up the hall from the ICU. I met with two nurses at the reception desk and presented the cards. They had me write a little note on a sticky about where they were from.

One of them went to drop them in the manager's mailbox. We chatted for a few minutes and talked about how far spread the COVID ICU surge space has had to spread across the hospital. She pointed to what was a door now sealed off with white film and blue tape. This was their PACU.

The PACU is the Post-Anaesthesia Care Unit. After your procedure you're taken from the operating room to this area where you are carefully monitored and cared for until you wake up and find your bearings. It's just a fraction of the size now with room for maybe three beds.

With only critical procedures being performed right now, there were only a couple of cases listed on the digital track board off to the side of the desk for the night.

The one nurse told me about Anvil Coffee House in Ottewell who had set up a tip jar recently for HCWs to take from for a coffee. If you're in the area, apparently they're worth a visit!

I made sure to let them know that Chloe C. nominated their department.

One new donation today (thank you @TheEdmontonGal), bringing our total to $5358.06 from 156 donors. There's 19 depts worth of coffee left with 420 cards ($2100) delivered to 14 departments.

The full #CoffeeforHCWsAB story is here:

If you'd like to nominate a department for #CoffeeforHCWsAB, please do so here:

I intended to try to visit RAAPID North tomorrow but in light of the announcement of the death of a 14 year old boy today I'm going to visit the Stollery PICU instead and visit RAAPID on Thursday.

My heart goes out to the family and friends of this young man.

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