Thirty $5 coffee cards delivered to the ...

Thirty $5 coffee cards delivered to the Walter Mackenzie (U of A) 3D3

Oct 21, 2021


Thirty $5 coffee cards delivered to the Walter Mackenzie (U of A) 3D3 Plastic Surgery unit!

You're asking, "Chad, you silly goose, why are you delivering to a Plastic Surgery unit?"

All four waves, they've been converted into a COVID ward.

This came in as an anonymous nomination: "This unit has stepped up and become a covid unit during each one of the 4th waves. The nurses and staff have worked selflessly despite normally being a plastic surgery unit."

I arrived at the unit and said hi to the two nurses doing charting in the middle of the unit. Handing one of them the cards and explaining my usual spiel and that someone nominated them and why, I think she got a little teary eyed.

This #IntentionallyCruelWave has left these folk's souls beaten and bruised. It's nice seeing these cards bring some smiles back, even if so brief.

No new donations today, our total stays at $5634.00 from 164 donors. I have 14 depts worth of coffee left with 660 cards ($3300) delivered to 22 depts.

The full #CoffeeforHCWsAB story is here:

Tomorrow I'm headed to the Royal Alexandra Pharmacy to fulfill Theresa D.'s nomination.

Thanks again to everyone who chipped in here. We're really spreading waves of love.

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