Thirty $5 coffee cards delivered to the ...

Thirty $5 coffee cards delivered to the Royal Alexandra Hospital Unit 34

Nov 05, 2021


This unit is usually an Orthopaedic Surgery unit. As we know, those surgeries were postponed towards the end of August. Over the course of the pandemic this unit has been a mixed COVID unit.

This unit was brought to my attention by an anonymous tip. I approached the nursing desk and said hello, a couple of nurses sat behind it. I gave my usual spiel and explained we wanted to recognize them for their dedication and flexibility to treat different patients.

Unbeknownst to me, I ran into a dear old friend from university who's an RN on the unit now. It's been nine years since I've seen her. The nurse behind the desk said thank you and I went on my way.

The fund is winding down now after 1030 $5 cards have been delivered to 33 departments over the course of the past six weeks.

Two more departments remain. The final department will be a large one and I've got to wait for the final donations to settle with the payment processor.

With the help of 171 Albertans, we've done something incredibly remarkable here and 1110 healthcare workers have been touched by the effort that's taken me 1364 km around the Edmonton and Central Zones. For that, I'm truly grateful. Thank you, everyone.

The full story is always up to date and forever will be here:

Stay tuned later next week for these final two departments' deliveries!

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