Thirty $5 coffee cards delivered to the ...

Thirty $5 coffee cards delivered to the Mazankowski (U of A) Cardiovasular ICU (CVICU)

Nov 03, 2021


Like when I delivered to the Royal Alexandra CVICU on Oct 15th, this unit is a busy unit and provides the highest level of life support available.

Tonight's delivery was fulfilling Theresa E's nomination:
"This already busy cardiac surgery unit has taken on a huge number of COVID patients on ECMO – the absolute highest level of life support. They have had to deal with so many patient deaths and delayed surgeries, with 1/3 fewer beds than usual as the non surgical cardiac ICU has also moved in after their usual unit became a COVID ICU."

I greeted the nurse at the desk and handed her the cards. I gave my usual spiel and she went to grab an envelope to put them into to give to her manager.

When I explained that 170 Albertans had chipped into this I think I might have struck a cord because I swear I saw her eyes well up. Hard to tell through goggles though.

I said my goodbye and she said "stay caffeinated!" I laughed and told her "you too!"

The total coffee fund remains at $5781.11 from 170 donors, now having delivered 970 cards ($4850) to 31 departments. Four departments remain.

The updated full story as always is here:

Tomorrow night I'm delivering to the Royal Alexandra's Unit 54 on a nomination from Theresa F.

If you'd like to submit a nomination for the few remaining cards you can do so here:

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