Thirty $5 coffee cards delivered to the ...

Thirty $5 coffee cards delivered to the EMS Northwest Station

Oct 19, 2021


I really wondered if I was going to pull this off tonight but LUCKILY a Community Paramedic was just leaving to go home and I caught him at the door. (I had a backup plan, don't worry!)

At first he was a little confused why some rando was standing at the doors at 2215 but I showed him the cards and did my usual spiel, how these came to be, etc. He was pretty moved.

I mentioned how @HSAAlberta has been posting the red alerts and when they pull EMS from out of town and noticing just how frequently it's been lately, he said "yeah, it's like the wild west out there right now."

I'm not one to shake hands right now but he offered and I obliged.

He said he'd go back in and get these around to the folks working the night shift and as I was getting in my car I could see him knocking spiritedly on the Real Time Operations Center (RTOC)'s door through the glass.

The EMS Northwest Station is who gets your 911 calls and dispatches requests for service. They also coordinate patient transfers between facilities on ground and air, and also are the home base for community health like home care, prevention, and education.

Two new donations over the last couple of days so our total stands at $5634.00 from 164 donors. I have 16 units worth of coffee left with 600 cards ($3000) delivered to 20 departments.

The full #CoffeeforHCWsAB story is here:

I'm really hoping I can connect with the right people tomorrow and deliver to the EMS Air Operations Centre at the Edmonton International Airport tomorrow... if not I have a backup plan.

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