Tranexamic Acid to Lighten Your Hyperpig ...

Tranexamic Acid to Lighten Your Hyperpigmentation

Apr 24, 2024

Every woman has dark spots aka age spots or sun spots that manifest on her skin to a different degree. Depending on the individual and her lifestyle choices, these hyperpigemented spots appear darker or lighter.

I’ve already discussed in my previous posts some measures and skincare products that you could incorporate into your skin routine to lighter hyperpigmentation and protect/prevent your skin from it.

Today, here’s one more ingredients and a unique product that addresses hyperpigmentation. It is Tranexamic Acid.

Look at what Tranexamic Acid can do for your skin!

- Tranexamic Acid 10% – an acid with a whitening effect, as it stops the production of melanin (pigment that gives color to your skin). This process allows to improve the skin quality and lower hyperpigmentation.
- This acid has been clinically tested – clinical studies proved that tranexamic acid was much safer and as effective in treatment of melasma (hyperpigmentation) than hydroquinone and dexamethasone together (the ingredients used in dermatology against melasma)!

One of my go-to skin care serums with Tranexamic Acid is this product. Shop for it HERE ( my affiliate link.)

I am pleasantly surprised to see totally clean, non-toxic ingredients in this skin care serum. All of them are stellar ingredients to have in your skin care routine, safe and effective.

All ingredients include: Water, Tranexamic Acid, Sodium Trichoolracetate, Ethyl Alcohol, Phytic Acid, Glycolic Acid, Delta Lactone, Salicylic Acid.

If you wish to incorporate these ingredients into your personal skin care, this is the product to go after.

What are the active ingredients in this skin perfecting serum?

Tranexamic Acid 10% – an acid with a whitening effect.
Trichloroacetic Acid is a powerful acid, caustic to the skin, hence should be used carefully. But it is used for skin care situations like discoloration and hyperpigmentation, scarring (pimple scars) and wrinkles.
Phytic Acid belongs to an AHA group of acids and used for lightening and exfoliation. Clinical studies show that phytic acid works much better when used in combination with glycolic acid.
Glycolic Acid, read further about this amazing Alpha-hydroxy acid in this post
Salicylic Acid (Beta-hydroxy acid, read below)
Gluconolactone aka Delta Lactone is an acid similar to AHAs and BHAs, but it is much better for super sensitive skin. Besides, gluconolacctone acid increases cellular turnover which certainly improves skin brightness and texture.

Again, if you on the lookout for a quality, without toxic ingredients skin product, shop for this serum HERE ( my affiliate link.)

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