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Aiden DeLong bought 2 books.

Ross R Witte II bought 5 books.
I want to thank you for changing my life for the better. Some of your videos really gave me those "ah ha" moments. I was inspired by the attack on 9/11 to become a "reloader". I didn't want to ever be low on ammo and not be able to do something about it. Everything I made was safe, went bang, and would hit the target. Minute of deer accurate. I took a long range class and tried loading for accuracy. You said some things in a video that have helped me tremendously. I think they videos were separate. "Cartridges were designed by intelligent people and those cartridges were meant to be full. Up the charge safely. You will see both the group size and standard deviation get smaller to a point. Then you will start to see the group size get bigger, the standard deviation will also get bigger, and you may start seeing signs of pressure. This is when you went too far." That clicked with me and I pictured an hourglass. I am trying to find the narrow part of the hour glass. Well on another video you talked about the Rem 700 in 7 Rem Mag. You said they could be loaded long. Well I have an excellent original generation Sendero. I loaded them long, worked safely toward the maximum, and put 5 shots into a single 11/32 ragged hole. I then applied the same logic into an old sporter Mauser that always shot pretty good for what it is. Well I put three 160gr Barnes loaded long and towards maximum charge in a 1/4 inch ragged hole. I have repeated this with the Mauser with almost the same group. I don't think I could get that 1/4 inch again to save my life but I'll settle for the 1/2 inch I am getting consistently. Anyway, on that day I called aloud (I am in Michigan so you couldn't hear me :), "Randy Selby I am now a handloader... " Thank you and God Bless! Ross Witte II
PS - I can send you pics of the 3/4 avery stickers with ragged holes if you like.

Chuck bought 3 books.
You guys are great, been subscribed since about 200 subscriptions. My son and I will be investing in a rifle as soon as this "president" is out of office. He is killing us financially. As far as the bump stocks go, it was a bad decision from Trump, but he never heard of one or could have known how they function. He was told by the NRA that it makes a machine gun and that is all he knew. We all know the Las Vegas shooter would have been more deadly if he would have not used a bump stock and actually aimed. There will never be a 100% perfect president, Trump did place judges in the supreme court that he knew would straighten out anything that slipped by him, like the bump stocks.
Oh, thank you so much, Chuck! That has been a long time ago. We started 7 years ago this month. We truly appreciate your following and now the support here. You are right, Trump based his decision on NRA wrong information. And his SCOTUS picks were done with the long haul in mind, for his decisions and those to come.We'll look forward to working with you and your son. I would have said, in last election, there was NO WAY Brandon could have won, and look at what happened. So no counting chicks, yet, but pray for a Trump win, for whoever ends up Dem choice, will be a total puppet for the leftist ideology.God bless. Stay safe and well. Thanks again.