Robert Maxwell, Child Studies, Epstein

Robert Maxwell, Child Studies, Epstein

Nov 18, 2021

The Maxwell family has been receiving a good deal of attention of late due to Jeffery Epstein’s partner, Ghislaine Maxwell being so much in the news. I’ve found documents relating to Robert Maxwell in the database I’ve made, containing documentation of my previous research showing that Maxwell had been closely linked to the very surveys I had been investigating in respect of my own background.

I was one of the children in the 1958 cohort of the NCDS surveys 

Each of the surveys followed tens of thousands of children throughout their lives and recorded the most intimate details of a child’s life. This included psychological profiling, social profiling and all physical aspects including dna samples and in some cases collection of their placentas at birth

Finding Robert Maxwell linked to these surveys set off alarm bells for me, considering that Robert Maxwell’s daughter Ghislaine Maxwell and her partner Epstein have been accused of child trafficking and setting up honey traps for the purpose of blackmailing politicians and other powerful figures.

The surveys followed tens of thousands of children and recorded the most intimate details of a child’s life. This included psychological profiling, social profiling and all physical aspects including dna samples and in somem cases collection their placentas at birth. See for example Get the Placentas, by Gavin Francis

It has been reported that Ghislaine Maxwell met Epstein through her father, and that later Epstein was targeting the most vulnerable of children to groom it becomes clear that this kind of character should not be given access to child development data which in the wrong hands could be used to identify vulnerable children and the regular patterns of their daily life. As I delved further into this I was also alarmed to see a hypnotised prime minister, a children's author, and powerful international statesman, bilderburger, zionist coming up attending the setting up of the organisation, ICCS. Along with Robert Maxwell at a ball for benefactors to the organisation, pledging their funds and support were Kissinger, Cliff Richard, Roald Dahl and Mrs Thatcher (pictured below at the event with Neville Butler of the NCDS

HERE is The Lancet describing Kissinger as a patron 

Roald Dahl refers to his association with Professor Neville Butler in his book Georges Marvellous Medicine, Chapter 9 A Clue Here  HERE 

The International Centre for Child Studies was based at La Jolla hospital which was also identified in a recent Netflix documentary Three Identical Strangers as the base for the covert research carried out on the unwitting triplets, seperated at birth. They were not aware that they were triplets until their paths crossed in later life and had been placed with three adoptive families of three different socio-economic positions. More specifically the parents had been chosen due to certain psychological profiles of of the mothers that had lead to difficulties. Then they were visited and studied regularly and yet never told by the research who visited their homes that each had two identical brothers.

Maxwell's Role in the Hijacking of Academia

First published
January 8, 2020

I would like to examine Maxwell’s path through various organisations, in effect playing a major role in huge changes that took place in academia after WW2.  Specifically how information was presented to the public, as post war planning anticipated the communications boom. His presence can be detected in television programming, distribution of actual television sets, children’s programs and the national curriculum and much more.

He seems to have been used as a front to roll out changes via his organisations and personally on numerous fronts. . .

On examining the roots of his soon to be Pergamon Press enterprise it’s quite incredible to see the representatives and  people involved with setting up it’s precursor Butterworth Springer.  The endeavour involved creating a scientific advisory committee –  a team of top scientists from Tube Alloys, along with others with close links to MI6, the Vatican, the Cabinet Office, the Board of Trade, the Royal Society.  One company represented was ICI  in the presence of Wallace Akers – ICI boss who went on to direct its research funding department.  ICI also funded the Bath Institute of Medical Engineering that I have written about previously. . . and you’ve guessed it, the Institute of Child Health

It has to be said that the chairman of the management committee in 1953 of that institute, ICH, was William Astor 3rd, who appeared in Epstein’s book and happened to be involved in the Profumo Affair.Maxwell appears to have personally had  influence regarding who would be placed as the head of the journals in numerous areas of science and medicine. Many of these areas were newly identified, especially psychology, for example in Playing with Fire, The Controversial Career of Hans J Eysenck page 162 by Roderick D Buchanan (available on google books)  it is described how Hans Eysenck how was funded by Maxwell to start a journal in Behaviour Research and Therapy. It has been reported in the MSM , in the New Statesman that Eysenck had worked under MKULTRA sub-project 111. Pergamon Press would go on to publish the proceedings of numerous symposiums linked to MKULRA and clandestine research through his Symposium Division of Pergamon Press.

Elsewhere in memoirs regarding the launching of the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, wild parties at Maxwell’s residence, Headington Hall are referred to.


King’s says the results and conclusions of Eysenck’s papers ‘were not considered scientifically rigorous’. Photograph: Nick Rogers/ANL/Rex/Shutterstock

Hans J Eysenck

“His acolytes always bragged he was the most cited psychologist of all time,” “In the social sciences citation index, he was number three. Number two was Freud. Number one was Karl Marx. He was hugely prolific, widely cited and very influential.”Prof Anthony Pelosi,  whose own investigation prompted the inquiry into Eysenck Work of renowned UK psychologist Hans J Eysenck ruled unsafe

3. Robert Maxwell’s subsequent activities in communications and the media particular those related to government propaganda and social engineering.

and I’ll be delving into his links with the International Centre for Child Studies and how closely Maxwell was linked to those child surveys. Shown below at the Reception for the International Centre for Child Studies at Banquet Hall, Westminster, 16th March 1983

Below is a photo taking during fundraising for the ICCS to which Maxwell donated £5000 per year for seven years.  His companies are listed as Major Sponsors of the National 1970 Birth Cohort Longitudinal Study


(l-r) Social Services Secretary Norman Fowler, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Professor Neville Butler, professor of child health at the University of Bristol and Director of the International Center for Child Studies, at a reception at the Banquet Hall, Westminster, to launch an appeal for 3,325,000 to build and run an International Center for Child Studies in Bristol (Photo by PA Images via Getty Images)

“Maxwell said of Britain’s first female prime minister “Without her, I wouldn’t be where I am.” Thatcher described Maxwell as “one of us.” HERE

maxwell miners

Maxwell’s Role in Founding the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry

Shades of Epstein? Maxwell courted and entertained leaders in the fields of Science, Child Psychology, Psychiatry and many other areas.

“The JCPP began its first issue in 1960 as it took some time in finding a
publisher. The egregious Robert Maxwell agreed to do so and really was an
enormous help – he had a wide distribution network, he was very interested.  He gave wild parties at Headington Hall to which the editors were invited so
we had a jolly good time when he was around, before he fell off his boat”

12 May 2009  (My emphasis)


Wild Parties at Headington Hall - *Wild parties linked with child studies wtf

wild parties

Draft Copy 

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