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Bluewater Walkabout (Book Review)

Nov 24, 2022
I think I can say I hate most self-help books. I think. I like books that teach you about your brain, body, or society. Don't tell me what to do. You don't know what I can do. Some books are considered self-help, but they aren't really telling you to do everything on your own. For example, books like The Wisdom of Your Body . I wasn't going to read it because it is in the self-help genre. One defi...

Oppression = Trauma

Nov 16, 2022
Reading  Bluewater Walkabout: Into Africa: Finding Healing Through Travel  by Tina Dreffin. It reminds me not to talk about every little thing. For example, I don't care about her sister's wedding. What does that have to do with finding healing through travel? I'm not going to any characters in my book. Sure, I will mention my boss or a coworker, but only one may have a name. And it's no...

Other People's Memoirs

Nov 14, 2022