Say "Screw You Fears!!"

Say "Screw You Fears!!"

Apr 04, 2022

When thinking about what to write the question below popped in my head...

How are you currently challenging yourself?!?!

With the New Moon in Aries that just passed there is a lot of fire, creative, and passionate energy right now!! Why not use this energy to your advantage?!? So many of us keep ourselves small and in our comfort zones out of fear of change, but let me tell you... this energy right here is calling for you to challenge yourself and do something new!!

The card I received definitely confirms this message!

Right now is the perfect time to reflect on how you can challenge yourself this week! How you can get excited in pursuit of your passion and do something you have held yourself back from!

Even if you just start with baby steps, what is most important is that you start! Say "YES!" to your passions and "SCREW YOU!" to your fears!! You got this... WE got this!! Love you!!

-BGM 💛

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