3 Things Expressly Forbidden for Medium ...

3 Things Expressly Forbidden for Medium Writers

Jan 04, 2021

In the last two years, Medium has become the most coveted platform for independent writers to create a career as a writer and still make an extra income from their writings, based on the involvement they would cause among readers.

Medium is that platform where good ideas find you. The largest living network of curious minds on the Internet.

Medium has all kinds of content to read, and writers who share new perspectives on almost any topic. Everyone who wants to start at Medium is welcome. Because Medium is where ideas take shape, take off, and generate powerful conversations.

In Medium, voices from experts and strangers dive into the core of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. An open platform where 170 million readers find insightful and dynamic thoughts.

As you can see Medium is an incredible platform, what you need to write, put it into practice, and bring it to the surface because thousands of readers are there to find your thoughts and dive into it.

But despite all the freedom you can have as a writer inside Medium, you need to follow some criteria expressly forbidden for any writer who has an account inside Medium.

As a writer within Medium, you cannot do or write what I will report after this paragraph.

1st original work, please.

Medium begins by asking the favor of any writer who intends to write in Medium and be part of the partner program, who writes original stories not copied from writers elsewhere or even in Medium.

Many social platforms have accustomed collectors of other people’s content to share other people’s ideas and still make money from other people’s ideas. If you look closely, you may find a lot of monetized content scattered on world-famous platforms, and they are only restricted or banned. In Medium it is forbidden to use third-party content and still make money with that content, dwarfed if you have the permission to use the content, but with a coherent justification between the author and the publisher.

2nd No advertising, please

Again Medium begins by asking the favor of any writer, who does not advertise.

If you are used to using promotional links like affiliate links, product sales, or shortened links that lead to other paths on the web. Make sure that your posts do not sell other products and resources, nor include requests for donations, as it is expressly prohibited here in Medium.

3rd Quality above Clickbait, please

Content creators love to use baits to reach viewers and followers on certain platforms whose goal is to become popular and make a lot of money. In Medium it is expressly forbidden to use the famous clickbait. Clickbait has become the tool used by millions of content creators on the Internet, as a form of bait to achieve unfair revenue.

If you come from a platform like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, or Twitter. Renew your way of sharing content, as Medium urges you not to do so. Clickbait is prohibited in Medium.

Clickbait promotes deceptive and sensational content.

Medium is a community where you don’t need to bring an audience, through your ideas you have the chance to connect with people all over the world. And through tools that allow you to build relationships with 170 million readers.

So write your best idea, whether it’s a contemporary story or not, no matter the purpose, it’s an incredible and original idea, share it and you’ll see how wonderful Medium is.

Ideas are worth millions, so why not write your own ideas.

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