Blues For Body and Soul

Blues For Body and Soul

Oct 08, 2020


It's four letters sprung from tongue

without provocation,

like how springtime flowers

just follow nature's course.

I've said it every day since.

Said it while peering into your eyes.

The word like a trade wind I hoped would blow away

the heart and soul's torment.

Whispered it into your ear

like an incantation hoping to exorcise

your demons.

Repeated it after every kiss.

As my lips snaked from your elegant neck,

across collar bones

to perfect breasts.

Moaned it

along ribs and hips.

Gasped it

along upper thighs.

Cried it

when my lips kissed

soft, wet folds and delicate hairs.

Choked on it

when I entered you.

Screamed it

when pleasure consumed me.

Now I know

you will be my last thought.

Love, my last word,

as I lie on my dying bed.

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