Caryl Hart
6 supporters


Sep 13, 2022

Thank you for dropping by to have a look at my new Buy me a Coffee page!

I'm a children's author and I'm lucky to have been able to publish over 60 books over the past 12 years. In the normal world, I visit lots of schools, libraries and festivals to help inspire children to love books and to encourage them to write their own stories.

After two years of the dreaded C, Festivals are now firmly back on the agenda but schools are still struggling with their budgets, meaning that authors and illustrators are still not doing many school visits. For me, this is a big chunk of my income... so I thought I'd set myself up on here in the hopes of earning a few pennies from lovely people like YOU!

Your donation will help me to keep doing what I do, which includes creating loads of FREE learning and fun resources for you and your children to use, helping you get more from my books and have plenty of fun along the way.

In return, I'm planning to give back to donors via special offers, giveaways and more, so do drop back again soon to see what's new.

Caryl xxx

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