Aug 09, 2024

We have a sky alert out today for the UK, Ireland and the rest of Europe.

Warnings issued for 33 degrees this weekend and to close windows from Sunday. We would say start now, as the gas is engaging now. Here is what we have found. Start of aerial gas coverage at 27000 feet (approx 8200 metres) over Paris. This will get more dense as the day goes on. It may also be continued tomorrow.
At approximately the same height, a steady wind is currently circulating over northern Europe and UK/Ireland. This will disperse the gas over this and a wider region indicated below.

There is a second dispersal route that is active now, potentially carrying the gas over the top of Scotland. The system will change as we get closer to Sunday but not in time to stop the spread of gas in these areas. Lightning is forecast to arrive from the Atlantic on Sunday, building and then closely flanking and breaking over the west coast of UK and Ireland. You may not see it but you may feel it. Neuro, cardiac, gut and other symptoms.

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