It never focused on one spot for long. It would cast its gaze on an area for maybe a minuet or two, twitching as it did so, before rolling in its socket to look at something else far off. It never blinked. In all the years Frankie Emmerson studied the eye, it never blinked. In the decades of study by other scientists, it never blinked. There was a live cast sent out to the rest of Terrrankind to w...
The Eye
Jul 29, 2022
If there's one aspect of being a writer I have struggled with, its the necessity to be outgoing and social so that my name can get out to the masses. I have this crippling shyness around people I don't know and the inability to strike up a reasonable conversation. Small talk bores me so much that my mind wonders off into the aether, leaving my physical form behind, having to deal with the mundane ...
Social Introvert
Jul 25, 2022