Why do I seem Unable to Surrender?

Why do I seem Unable to Surrender?

Nov 07, 2022

In very simple terms, you are afraid to surrender. You think it is unsafe to do so, and, that if you let down your defenses, anxiety will overwhelm you. You think your vigilance and anticipation of disaster is the only thing keeping you safe.

But this is the crazy bluff of anxiety. It makes us feel like we are in danger, and then convinces us that “it” (our anxiety) is what is keeping us safe. It is playing both sides of the game. It is acting both as the scary monster, and as the savior. It is the arsonist who also acts as firefighter.

 Anxiety is not going to harm you. You will not have a stroke or a heart attack or go crazy if you stop fighting your anxiety. When you can begin to accept that you are not actually in danger and stop adding second fear, then you will find surrender becomes possible.

 Here are 4 truths that will help you to surrender.

 1.      Anxiety is not dangerous

2.      I have no need to fear it

3.      It is safe to surrender

4.      Surrender is the key to recovery

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