Letting Go of Old Family Hurts

Letting Go of Old Family Hurts

Feb 23, 2023

By Dan W. Ingram, Calm Seas Life Coaching

George Burns said “Happiness is having a large, loving, close-knit family…in another city.” Families are complex and no family is perfect, and as a result, you might have developed feelings of sadness, disappointment, fears, hurt and sadly even abuse of some sort in your early years. I want to say to you, I’m sorry you had to go through that.  

Let me give you 7 Keys to Unlocking that Baggage and letting it go:

1.     Write a list of what you feel hurt or disappointed about. Long or short, this will bring those hidden things into the light and will help clarify what it is that's weighing you down.

2.     Get PERSONAL with the issues.   With each item, record how you felt at the time and how you feel now about the situation. This will help you explore your feelings start to find release and identify how you truly feel about the past event. Upon completing this exercise, you may discover that you aren't as upset now about an incident as you once were and realize that you can give yourself permission to let it go. You OWN your feelings and memories. YOU ARE IN CONTROL of which feelings and memories you want to keep and let go. That my friend is empowering.

3.     Recognize how this baggage is affecting you now. The way you handle many aspects of your life today could be related to things that happened in your past. You will find out some of your fears and decisions "today" are the result of past actions.
4.     Know that you're worth living a life without the old hurt. You deserve to have a life unfettered by wounds from your past.  You are too important to let your past weigh down your future!
5.     Make a decision to let go. You might want to write them down on paper and burn the paper. Visualize those hurts being burned up and disappearing from your life forever.

6.     From your adult viewpoint, I want you to understand that you may or may not ever understand why something happened. But once you clarify the event, consciously tell yourself that you are now in control and you choose to let those things go. This is your choice. You are no longer controlled by that issue whether you understand it or not.  Now you can leave it in the past.

7.     Commend yourself for your efforts to let go of your emotional baggage. After all, it weighed you down for a long time. Now you're free of it! Praise yourself for an important job well done. It feels good to live free and travel light.

You can let go of old family hurts by following these steps. You'll feel so much better when you release the painful feelings you've had for some time. Create the life you so deserve by banishing the past to where it belongs - in the past.
Live Free and Travel Light!
"Till next time,
Dan W. Ingram
Calm Seas Life Coaching

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