Mom We Love You Always

May 14, 2023

Woof woof to you all! It's me your handsome blog writing friend Callum the border collie back to bark with you some more.

I was just thinking that seeing as this is Mother's Day weekend I should write a blog to honour my human's mom.

You would expect my human to
be sad on Mother's Day but she's not because she knows that her mom is still with her only in a different way.

I only knew my grandma for a very short time because when I joined my family my human's mom was already very sick. On the other side of the veil where my grandma is now she is happy and full of life.

I remember my human telling me about a dream she had where she saw her mom, she said to her mom "You're still alive!" and her mom replied, "I'm very much alive!"

I'm a pretty sure doggy that my human will never forget that dream. According to my human it didn't feel like a dream, it felt like her mom was actually there with her.

You know this doggy honestly thinks that's why my human is coping as well as she is, because she knows her mom is still with her, watching over her and protecting her like she always has.

My human wishes she had my ability to see her mom like I do. Us doggies and kitties are lucky to be able to see spirits.
My human can't see or hear her mom but she knows her mom can see and hear her.

To her mom it feels like she never left and to my human that's very comforting.

My grandma wasn't only a mom to my autistic human she was also a mom to my Auntie Susan and my Uncle Dave.

One thing I love about my grandma is that she loved all her children equally. And of course she loves her daughter in law, my Auntie Rebecca.

We are all so happy to have her as part of our family.

Like I mentioned previously I only knew my grandma for a very short time so I asked my human to tell me a bit about what her mom was like.

My human said her mom has a great sense of humour.

She loved watching old comedy shows. My human also told me that her mom was an awesome dancer and a very talented piano player.

Also she was the chess champion when she was
in public school.

I'm wondering to my doggy self if maybe my grandma was a doggy in another life because like doggies she also liked balls. Golf balls and bowling balls to be exact! 

I'm a proud doggy grandson to say that my grandma, my human's mom was the winner of three bowling trophies.

Most importantly my human's mom was kind hearted and friendly to everyone she met.
My human tells me that everyone loved her mom.
In my honest doggy opinion I think my grandma is the best mom my human could have, she understood my human and her autism. I know without a doggy doubt that my human agrees with me.

Well that's all my barks for now. I want to wish my human's mom and all the mom's out there a very Happy Mother's Day!

Take care and I will bark to you all again soon.

Your handsome blog writing friend,
Callum the border collie

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