Ciao a tutti! I'm Lulu. 👋
I'm originally from Toronto but I'm currently living in Calabria, blogging about my life, travel adventures, and love for all things Italian!
Many years ago I started a little journal on the web. I find it hard to believe sometimes how much time has passed and how this little diary has evolved into my faithful companion through so many life experiences.
I truly believe we are made up of moments, places we’ve visited, and people we’ve encountered. And over the years I've come to realize more and more how much I love storytelling. We all have an epic story to tell, we just need to find our voice. Calabrisella Mia is so much more than a blog. It is my life, my voice – it is my story.
I created a page here that allows you to buy me a coffee! Buying me a coffee will support my blog and help me to continue to grow and expand. There is still so much to explore and share - I hope you will join me!
A presto amici!
Recent supporters

Ja$e bought 25 coffees.
New phone fund. Merry Christmas!