Papal Liturgical Books. A project in whi ...

Papal Liturgical Books. A project in which any of you can participate!

May 22, 2024

‼️ Dear Friends and Supporters of our project, we would like to inform you that we have an opportunity to purchase a collection of old papal court books used for papal liturgies at the Vatican (e.g. during canonizations). These books are basically exclusively available in the Vatican archives and do not have digital versions, which means that the opportunity we have is one of a kind.

👉 Unfortunately, their cost is beyond our financial means. Their total cost is 5000 Euro. Therefore, we ask for your help and patronage. Of course, anyone who wishes to join in this project, even in a symbolic way, will receive from us in return:

  • 1️⃣ a multimedia gift (related, of course, to the theme of our activities);

  • 2️⃣ an electronic version of one of the books of your choice (or all the books, depending on the amount of support given);

  • 3️⃣ gifts of books or clothing, which we will send to the most generous patrons.

➡️ Acquiring these books will allow us to bring our planned for some time museum-educational project closer in time, and will also allow us to develop a number of online publications related to these books. The beneficiaries of this project will thus be the wider public!


All you have to do is buy us a coffee or support us in another of the ways listed here:

IMPORTANT! Please include in your message or title of support the phrase "libri papali" and your e-mail!

🤝 We believe that together we will be able to "save" these books and make them available to a wider audience, as well as use them for educational purposes.


// Pages from Renaissance Papal Ceremonials (15th-16th centuries) were used as an illustration for this post //

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