Welcome to C4 BMAC

Dec 14, 2022

When Chris pitched the idea of C4 to Clay Imoo back in 2013, it was just a couple of old guys sitting around a mic in Steveston talking about the Canucks (with a cat playing the role of producer). Guests were few and far between (for obvious reasons), podcast lore dictated a fire truck would race by at some point during the show, and the highlight of every episode was ending it off with some Haiku (maybe we should bring that back?). Much has changed since then.

Yet in those early days, Chris generously covered each and every C4 bill - whether it was the microphone he & Clay (and eventually Matt) used to huddle around, to the laptop the cat produced/slept on. And to ensure every episode was available when you wanted it, Chris put forth a few bucks each month to cover the costs of hosting the audio.

As the years went on, the podcast grew in popularity and those costs started to increase. While Chris was committed to ensure the show stayed on the air, listeners started to ask if there were ways they could help out, so C4 Patreon came to be.

C4 Patreon was great. It allowed our listeners, and frankly what happens to be the best of the Vancouver Canucks community, to not only keep the lights on yet give us a few extra bucks to begin to expand the technology we used to produce our show. Yet as far as platforms go, it also introduced a number of... shall we say... nuisances that made it just as difficult to reward that support. So Anna & Chris made the difficult decision to "pause Patreon" as we could no longer provide the Patrons what they expected of us.

So why the switch over here to BMAC? Frankly, it's because of you.

Many of you continued to ask for us to make it possible for you to financially support our show, despite the challenges over on Patreon. Even after Anna & Chris explained it may not be possible to continue to provide the level of rewards and recognition previously outlined on Patreon, you continued to tell us this "wasn't an issue."

So here we are.

There are now two different ways to support the show - Membership and Support. Both allow you to financially contribute to the show yet allow you to do it in two different ways.

Membership allows for you to contribute to the show on a monthly (or annually at a slight discount) basis. Think of this akin to how you supported the show over on Patreon. Choosing this option means you'd see a recurring charge and gets you access to a few rewards and benefits.

Support, the newer option, lets you instead "Buy C4 Canucks Hockey Podcast a pint" on a one-off basis. Maybe you want Anna & Chris to enjoy a pint or two or three on you? While the option to take us out for a round is always on the table, supporting us this way just makes it happen virtually.

Lastly, we know you have a choice of over 137 different Canucks podcasts to listen to. The fact you choose to listen to C4 means so much to us and is the reason Anna & Chris record an episode each and every week. And if you think you're up to buying us our next round, we can't thank you enough for helping us get over the Benning era through the bottle.

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