Recent supporters

Christine Brockman bought 3 coffees.
I love your track with the wind chimes and roosters and birds from 2015. I play it on repeat and it soothes my nervous system. It has brought comfort to me in times of high anxiety. Thank you for this track.

Luci bought a coffee.
Thank you for the unadulterated storm and all that comes with it!
I had a cassette tape of intense, incredible thunderstorms. It was wonderful to fall asleep to and reminded me of storms I from my childhood in Michigan. My bedroom was a finished attic and the wall would shake with the crashing thunder. I don’t know what happened to that tape but over the years, I searched, never finding a suitable replacement. Every other recording had music or voice over the top. Yours is the closest to that early recording.

Kimb bought 3 coffees.
I came here for imovie tutorial on ipad. I'm an older lady, so I dont always understand a lot of this techy stuff. Just trying to stay relevant with my grandkids. Had already watched a few. Yours is by far the best. Have also subscribed and will be watching more stuff. Thanks so much for taking it slow and keeping it clear.

Ann Keil bought 5 coffees.