Moth Collection Viewing Key

Moth Collection Viewing Key

Sep 27, 2021

My mother asked me, a little concerned, why I had chosen to create an entire artistic collection about moths. Asking, wasn’t I rather anti bug? Yes, I was the child that screamed at winged creatures flying at me from above. Yes, they do still cause me a bit of consternation. I’m not proud of this fact, but it is what it is, I will appreciate from afar… and cringe when up close. I really would prefer to use the porch light without fear of being dive bombed from the bugs swarming above. So, no, I can not say that I am a reformed bug lover, I’m sorry. I may never really love bugs. However!

I can still relate and appreciate a creatures symbolism. As with the moth, I have found a deep connection to what they can represent. We commonly know that moths as a whole are drawn to the light, but there is very little scientific understanding as to why! Some have gathered that it’s because a few of the species female moths generate a frequency to attract mates, that is rather close to that which light sources emits. Mayhaps they are just lost and lovesick! That explanation is fascinating and a very interesting symbol in and of itself. How powerful to be a woman that emits a frequency akin to the moon, the stars, fierce flames, and yes, the ever humble yet comforting porch light. That is the sacred feminine indeed.

Despite that powerful imagery, I really wanted to respond artistically to the thought of chasing the light. What does is mean, and what does it mean especially to the artist? To chase the artistic light that we see before us, constantly, but have very little knowledge of whence it came or how far we are to try and follow. Many a great artist followed the artistic light blindly and eventually found fame at the end of the journey. Many also suffered financial ruin, broken relationships, and severely neglected mental health. How far is too far when chasing the artistic light?

I have no answers, that wasn’t my hope in exploring this concept, but to see what imagery would appear. The artistic light came forth in the form of “Moon Mother,” a beautiful celestial form that invites one forward, but never guides. For the journey is ultimately our own. However, “Moon Mother” will light the way, as we do our best to discern what the path ahead may hold for us. So too is the representation of “All Seeing,” a moth with eyes on her wings, for she desires to see not just that which exists on our immediate field of focus but that which is still over the horizon line.

How best to prepare for that which has not yet come, than to do as the moon does. Moon Mother phases in and out, she invites us to shift our focus; from times of forward momentum to those of stillness and introspection. Like under the recent guidance of the Harvest Moon, where we were asked to consider what it was that we needed to harvest emotionally and spiritually, along side the grains and produce. In order to stay balanced we must, much like the moon, begin to wax, wane, and rest. There lots of talk in modern pop culture about “The Grind’ and “Girl Boss[ing],” yet what I discovered in my study and intuitive representation of the moth’s form, was not constant motion. Instead, I found the peace to slow down, permission to pursue multiple ventures while still ultimately staying on the quote-and-quote “right path”.

My personal take away from this collection of works and intuitive conceptual exploration was immense. Many times during the creative process I wondered what I was truly pursuing by becoming a full time artist. Its been a dream, but almost, as if not quite realized yet. Artist is the title that I currently carry, that I have carried, and that I always will carry forward as a defining statement of who I am. However, I’ve come to realize that in my blind focus to prove that I can be called “artist” I lost sight of what else the path ahead can offer. Moths are messengers, and in this instance I’ve received the message to ‘look up’ and claim some of the other titles that are awaiting my attention. There are many things I wish to accomplish in this lifetime. and many titles I would be honored to carry.

The artistic light, is not a blind chase to a predetermined end of fame and fortune. Artists create because to do without would be too painful


Much like the moth, I chase the light, and acknowledge the multitude of sources that can help guide me towards to goal of my highest self.

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