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Includes discord benefits

  • Support me on a monthly basis

  • Shout out for new members on the public Facebook page

  • Access to the private Discord community



Includes discord benefits

  • Everything in the $3 level

  • Listed as a "Peach Rose" patron on my website

  • Access to Weekly Poem posts

  • Access to "writing process" posts



Includes discord benefits

  • Everything at the $5 level

  • Listed as a "White Rose" on my website

  • Access to behind the scenes content for novellas and novels

  • Early-reader access to purchase of stories, novellas, and poetry anthologies



Includes discord benefits

  • Everything at the $7 level

  • Listed as a "Yellow Rose" on my website

  • One free digital version of a novella or poetry anthology per year

  • Access to Behind the scenes content for novellas and novels



Includes discord benefits

  • Everything from the $10 level

  • Name and/or describe a character in a short story

  • Access to the Suggestion Box for future stories and novellas

  • Listed as a "Peppermint Rose" on my website


Limited (25 of 25 remaining)

Includes discord benefits

  • Everything from the $25 level

  • Listed as a "Black Rose" on my website

  • Signed hardback copy of my first novel

  • Name and/or describe a character in a novella


Limited (10 of 10 remaining)

Includes discord benefits

  • Everything from the $50 level

  • Listed as a "Blue Rose" on my website

  • Name and/or describe a character in a novel

  • Digital copy of my latest work-in-progress rough draft once per year

  • I will provide feedback on one of your works-in-progress once per year