Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome!

Mar 02, 2021

Thank you for stopping by my Buy Me a Coffee Account! Once again, my name is Brianna, but I am also known as Brianna Stryker Writes. I already introduced myself in the main section of this account so I figured my first post here should be about the work I do.

I created Brianna Stryker Writes in January 2021 so at the point of this post, I have only had my blog for a bit over one month. Nevertheless, this is not my first experience running a blog. My old blog, which was through Blogger instead of WordPress, was part of my life for over one year. The reason I scratched it and started over is that I realized how passionate I truly am about blogging. I was putting a ton of my time and effort into running my old blog, without seeing many results due to how limiting the platform I had was. I made the leap to commit to blogging as soon as I found the courage and I purchased my self-hosted blog- Brianna Stryker Writes.

I cannot possibly consider Brianna Stryker Writes to be one niche. I write about a variety of topics, including my college experiences as I pursue a teaching certification, local travel right here in New Jersey, and any blogging tips I find useful.

The most popular part of my blog has been the Let's Chat on a Virtual Coffee Date series. I have to be honest, these are my favorite blog posts to write. I created this series to allow me to discuss anything and everything without trying to fit it into a specific category. As a writer, I do not want to limit myself and the ideas I have and this is how I can be creative. This series is a raw, honest look into my life. I talk about my thoughts and feelings, as well as the experiences I have. I think of this as me virtually sitting in a cafe with my readers and catching up with them. This is a safe and meaningful place on my blog.

Overall, my goal as a blogger is to use my platform in a positive way. I hope my writing can inspire others and everything I share can help at least one person. I use social media as a way to form connections with people. I have met dozens of talented and lovely writers, creators, and bloggers online. I value all of the friendships I have made and the works I have discovered by interacting with others. I aspire to make a difference and it makes me happy when my work can accomplish this.

I have many goals in mind as I begin this blogging journey, but for now, growing Brianna Stryker Writes is my top priority. I love social media nearly as much as I love blogging. I am incredibly thankful for the kindness and support people have shown me since I began Brianna Stryker Writes and I am looking forward to continuing to share my creations online.

Thank you for everything!

Love always,


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