Why The United States Blew Russia’s Nord ...

Why The United States Blew Russia’s Nord Stream Pipelines. Do We Want To Admit To This Act

Feb 20, 2023
More opinionated commentary and thought crime about news reports and happenings that you’re interested in. This time: Why The United States Blew Russia’s Nord Stream Pipelines. We’ll look at the ‘why,’ and I’ll point you to the detailed account of ‘how’ the United States probably blew Russia’s Nord Stream Pipelines. I’ll ask the question, “Do we want to admit to this act of war against Russia?” Finally, can we win a war with Russia should they consider this state-sponsored sabotage an act of war? Prefer reading? No problem, visit the original article at https://theopinionblog.com/why-the-united-states-blew-russias-nord-stream-pipelines/ or subscribe to my Substack at https://briandhawkins.substack.com/p/why-the-united-states-blew-russias
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