A Busy Weekend Of Preparedness - Freeze ...

A Busy Weekend Of Preparedness - Freeze Drying Ground Beef

Oct 02, 2022

Friday night I was exhausted and decided that I'd order a pizza and sit on the recliner next to my wife and just watch a movie. We both fell asleep before we even decided on something to watch.

By 6 am, I was ready to go. I hit the ball running and haven't slowed all weekend.

I had just under 31 pounds of cubed chicken breast in the freeze dryer from Thursday night that would be ready sometime afternoon.

I had almost 39 pounds of ground beef thawed in the fridge that needed to be cooked. Have you ever cooked forty pounds of hamburger and onions? Let me tell you, it's a chore. It was a solid six hours of work.

I used my 36" Blackstone griddle and even that took over two full sessions. Cutting the onion, frying up the meat, shoveling it into a large stock pot, and draining enough grease to keep the Lords of Flatbush happy. (Who gets that pop culture reference?)

That beef filled all five trays for the freeze dryer with two trays worth in the freezer for another batch later in the week.

I let the five trays of cooked beef freeze for several hours before loading them up in the freeze dryer at 3 am. Yes, I was still up and going well into the early morning hours. In bed by 3:30 am and up around nine this morning.

I also had cayenne pepper in the food dehydrator getting ready to become a medicinal powder.

Oh, and I extended to freeze dryer drain hose so I could move the unit closer to the wall and gain a little more workspace on the table.

Today I have drums and storage rack shelving to clean, a community salt bin to build, and a lawn to mow. My list is eighteen miles long and I'm crossing three inches of that off this weekend.

Yo, Hows you doin'?


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