Es una metáfora amigable, no es un verdadero coffee. Cada "coffee" cuesta £1 y puedes comprar tantos como desees.
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Acerca de Ryan Hislop
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Brenda will be making her long awaited return on Monday the 1st of august at 11am Elevenses will haven for 3 weeks Monday to Friday request a song via buying me a coffee or to
NEW 2022 Elevenses With Brenda
Aug 01, 2022
346 Visualizaciones
Live From Burger Towers will be happening Thursday and Friday at 16:00 or. 4:00 pm GMT. In a weeks time it will be Mon-Fri 5 days a week lucky ducks and this series will end when the summer holidays start -Brenda 🍔🍔
Live From Burger Towers
Apr 02, 2021
217 Visualizaciones
Elevenses with Brenda for now will be Fridays at 11:00 am GMT soon it will be every Mon-Friday but after next week it will be postponed until summer but Live From Burger Towers will be on at 16:00 or 4:00pm GMT -Brenda