Recent supporters

Jasmin bought a coffee.
Your sessions are amazing!

Sylvie bought a coffee.
Merci Sandy, du fond du coeur. Tes vidéos sont géniales et me font beaucoup de bien.

Maya bought 25 coffees.
I love your content

Helene Hughes bought a coffee.
I love your voice and appreciate your work. Many blessings to you. Cheers!

BeKho06844148 bought 5 coffees.
Thank you Sandy,
thank you for your healing voice,
your enlightening videos, your hypnotizing music, your warm presence
and the huge loving effort you put into making our lives lighter & brighter .
For me as a housebound LongCovid patient for 4 years now, you ve been my best medicine : breathing with you opens my world, brings solace and gives me strength to go on.