Three years of innovation: Celebrating o ...

Three years of innovation: Celebrating our Tech Roundup 

Jul 05, 2022

Dear reader,

As a startup, we are constantly developing new products and ideas to meet the ever-evolving demands of the media landscape. Nothing is more rewarding than looking at a project that has progressed and changed over time along with our audience and our company.

The weekly Tech Roundup is one such project. What began three years ago as a niche product to connect Brazil's startup ecosystem to the world has become a readers' favorite. It has survived changes in staff and format, and the crazy newsflow of the pandemic. And it's never lost its essence. Tech Roundup has continued to feature stories about what Brazilian ingenuity has to offer. 

Today, we’re taking the opportunity to appreciate this creation and get a glimpse of what the future holds. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. And, if you like our behind-the-scenes content, don't forget to become a member of our Buy Me a Coffee community to receive exclusive content like our Inside TBR newsletter, with news of upcoming events, interviews with our staff and more!

Best regards, 

The Brazilian Report team

Building our very own tech space 

At The Brazilian Report, we are committed to working collaboratively and always having space for new ideas. Our weekly Tech Roundup is a project that encompasses this spirit — and maybe that’s why it's still a favorite after three years. 

Tech Roundup comes from humble beginnings. Back in 2019, we had a freelance social media coordinator who expressed an interest in learning the ropes of journalism. She decided to begin with an area she was comfortable with, the tech space. 

After a few prototypes involving the entire staff, the spirit of the Tech Roundup came into existence: a weekly digest of the most relevant news in Brazil's startup ecosystem. From a business perspective, it would also bring us closer to an audience eager for information about a landscape that is never short of stories to tell. 

Soon after its inception, the "Tech" as we nicknamed it, became a favorite of editor-in-chief Gustavo Ribeiro, who took charge of the project.

Tech Roundup became our weekly space to breathe, think outside the box, learn new things, and, especially during the pandemic, look for stories that gave us hope amid a gruesome newsflow. 

Also, the "Tech" developed the amazing ability to shapeshift and absorb some of the personality of its writers. For over two weeks, former Brand Specialist Natália Scalzaretto oversaw the project, giving the Tech a business vibe with several features on the fintech ecosystem, telecom sector, and federal regulations on the internet space. 

Finance Reporter Ana Ferraz took the helm in 2021, bringing a fresh perspective. Under her guidance, the Tech Roundup focused more on the impacts of technology on people's lives. The format also got shorter and more dynamic. But business still had a place, as she also took over the brand new Market Roundup, a weekly analysis of the most important financial news in Brazil. 

We reached out to Ana to find out about how it feels to be leading the Tech Roundup and what her next steps might be. Here are some highlights from our conversation.

TBR: What's your favorite thing about writing the Tech Roundup? 

Ana: What I love the most is finding a way to make each piece more accessible and clear by writing the news in a didactic way without being condescending. The Brazilian technology and innovation universe is quite broad and can be complex, so I really enjoy the challenge of helping people understand it.

TBR: What have you learned from Tech Roundup? What insights did it give you?

Ana: Perhaps the biggest lesson so far has been seeing how rich, diverse, and full of opportunities the Brazilian innovation ecosystem is. I also realized that it deserves better publicity to help fuel its expansion.

TBR: Which story did you most enjoy writing? 

Ana: One of the issues I most enjoyed writing was one of the first I wrote by myself, on May 28, 2021. It was about the ways technology connects to the lives of Brazilians. I wrote about a startup providing delivery services to favelas, how the digital divide impacted access to Covid relief funds, and the need for regulations for cryptocurrency in Brazil. The good, the bad, and the ugly in just one piece. 

TBR: What's the most challenging thing about writing the Tech Roundup? 

Ana: I guess it's picking the most relevant items of the week in such a large and diverse universe and explaining them in just a few lines.

TBR: What stories would you like to cover for Tech Roundup in the future? 

Ana: I love writing stories that combine innovation and technology with social issues. So, in the future, I want to write more about positive initiatives and projects for citizens and also discuss what still needs work.

If you appreciate Tech Roundup and would like to support us, please make a donation or become a member of our Buy Me a Coffee community. The caffeine hit will lead to more inspiration and innovation!

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