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Denying Your Shadow: Understanding the W ...

Denying Your Shadow: Understanding the Whole You

Feb 28, 2024

Imagine every person has two sides: the one we show the world, full of all the things we're proud of, and another side, hidden away, that we don't talk about much. This hidden side is what some really smart people call our "shadow." It's like a secret room in our house where we shove all the stuff we don't want anyone to see—our fears, the times we get angry, and the parts of us that make mistakes.

Now, you might think, "If I just keep that door closed, everything will be okay." But here's the thing: ignoring that secret room doesn't make it disappear. In fact, it can lead to some pretty big problems. Let me explain why keeping that door locked isn't the best idea.

First off, if we never open that door, we miss out on really getting to know ourselves. It's like trying to understand a story by only reading half the book. We need to see all parts of us to grow and become better. Plus, there are probably some really cool things about ourselves hidden away in that room, like hidden talents or strengths we didn't know we had.

Another problem is that when we ignore our shadow side, we might start seeing our own issues in other people instead of where they really are—with us. It's like when you're playing a game, and instead of admitting we're not doing great, we say the game is just being unfair. This can make it hard to get along with others because we're too busy blaming them for stuff that's really about us.

Also, if we pretend we don't want things that we actually do, like wanting to be liked or wanting to win, someone might use that against us. They could trick us into doing things we don't really want to do because we're not being honest about what we want.

Not looking in that secret room can make us feel pretty bad, too. It takes a lot of energy to keep a door locked tight. We might start feeling tired all the time, or sad, or even scared, because part of us knows we're not dealing with everything we should be.

And here's a big one: if we're not honest with ourselves, it's super hard to be real with anyone else. That means our friendships and relationships might not be as strong as they could be. We might get mad at friends for no good reason or feel like we can't really connect with them because we're not showing them who we truly are.

So, what can we do about it? It's actually pretty simple (but not always easy). We've got to be brave and open that door. We need to look at everything in that room, even the stuff that makes us feel uncomfortable. But here's the secret: once we do, we might find out that it's not as scary as we thought. We can start to clean it up, maybe even find some hidden treasures we forgot about.

Learning to be okay with our whole selves, including our shadow, is really important. It helps us grow, makes our relationships stronger, and most of all, it helps us be happier with who we are. So, let's not be afraid of that secret room. Let's open the door, let some light in, and start exploring. Who knows what amazing things we'll find out about ourselves?

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