Not Just Another 'Guess the Song' Quiz: This beautiful hymn video inspires and edutains

Dec 19, 2021

Hi there. Karen here, from Brainfit Trivia JM Quizzes. Happy Sunday.

Do you like Christian hymns? I have just added two new videos to the Guess the Song Playlist on my channel: Guess the Hymn III: This Hymn Has A Curious Backstory | Full Lyrics + More Guess Time (NEW)

It would make me happy if you checked it out. Use this link:

In this video, I sing a snippet from the selected hymn and and ask you to guess the title. You have 30 seconds to make a guess before the answer is revealed. It's fun.

But it's more than just fun and entertainment. I'm an edutainer and my intent is to inspire, educate and entertain with my content. So, you'll find a mix of all these features in this video. You'll be enthralled by the sobering lyrics and music of this Howard A. Walter song which is evocative and beautiful. You can sing along with the male accapella voices singing the hymn. Plus it's under 7 minutes.

If you have a curious mind and like to read about what inspires composers - in this case - the hymn writers Harold A. Walter and S. Ralph Harlow, I've added some trivia about how it happened that three more verses were added to the song after Walter died. It's a rather interesting story, for sure.

If you're a Christian or just like old hymns (this one was first written circa 1909, and the other verses circa 1918), this one will inspire you. It invokes the Christian to be a true and faithful disciple, full of zeal and love for the less fortunate. And what better message for the Christmas season?

Please don't take my word for it. Go watch now and discover for yourself. If you enjoy the video, leave a thumbs up, subscribe and turn on notifications so you can receive an alert each time I post a new video.

Take a spin around my channel. It's pretty new. I post at least once a week. And if you like my work and would like to support me, buy me a coffee.

Sunday blessings to you and yours. Thank you.

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