Python isn't a silver bullet

Python isn't a silver bullet

May 23, 2023

Back at school, our first dive into code was MoscowML (for some unholy reason). Strictly functional language, and not a lot of fuzz. We learned how types mattered, and we learned how to get something working without loops and control flow. An interesting exercise, but not really what I was there for.

Later on, we were taught Java as the object oriented flavour. It took quite a while to get accustomed to all the new syntax and all the boilerplate. It was back in Java 5 times, if I recall correctly, so "Syntactic Sugar" did not exist 😅

I was coming to terms with Java and starting to get somewhat productive, but all of the boilerplate was really bothering me. That was until fellow students started talking about Python. Now, I didn't really have the mental capacity or appetite to take on another language at this point, and Python wasn't the only thing being discussed. There was also talk about Haskell and Lisp, so I tuned it out.

Once I did have a look at Python, though, I was instantly in love!

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