Mark Zuckerberg Is TNR’s 2021 Scoundrel ...

Mark Zuckerberg Is TNR’s 2021 Scoundrel of the Year

Jan 05, 2022

马克·扎克伯格被评为 2021 年度恶人
Mark Zuckerberg Is TNR’s 2021 Scoundrel of the Year

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has been named The New Republic magazine's "scoundrel of the year" for creating "the worst, most damaging website in the world."

The writer David Roth opined that Facebook had "crimes against humanity", "shoves variously viral idiocies and advertisements at users", and claimed that Zuckerberg is "a man who got unconscionably rich off the worst website that has ever existed."

Words and grammar

  1. Facebook(liǎnshū): 脸书

  2. 创始人(chuàngshǐrén): founder

  3. 被评为(bèipíngwéi): was named, was given the title of something, 

  4. 年度(niándù): (something) of the year. 比如: 年度最佳员工,the employee of the year.  年度风云人物,the person of the year.  Elon Musk was named  the person of the year by the Time magzine.马斯克被时代杂志评选为年度风云人物。

  5. 恶人(èrén): a bad guy,scoundrel,

  6. 最糟糕的(zuì zāogāo de): the worst. We don't say it "最坏的" in this context, we use 糟糕 to modify the website,the collocation for the word "最坏" would be "最坏的情况",or "最坏的打算".

  7. 反人类(fǎn rénlèi): against humanity, anti-human

  8. 罪行(zuìxíng): crime

  9. 向...推荐...(xiàng...tuījiàn): recommend something to sb, we put the proposition 向 before the verb 推荐,indicate a direction of the recommendation. And pay attention to the verb "推荐",because "推荐" is an abstract verb, so we can only use "向" to indicate the target, and cannot use "朝". One more example for the use of "向": "不好意思 ,我应该向你道歉". In this sentence, "道歉" is also an abstract verb, so we use "向" instead of "朝".

  10. 病毒式的(bìngdú shìde): 像病毒一样的,viral. “病毒式的言论”, here the adjective “病毒式的” indicates the viral idiocies spread quickly among the users. The pattern "...式的","式" as in "样式","款式",means type, style, model.  "什么式的" means looks like sth, or acts like sth. For example,傻瓜式相机,point-and-shoot camera. We call it "傻瓜式相机",because you can easily use the camera just like what a fool can do.

  11. 愚蠢言论(yúchǔn yánlùn): idiocies,stupid speech. 

  12. 赚了大钱(zhuàn le dàqián): to make a big money, equals to "赚了很多钱". Also you can say “赚小钱”,make some money, but not that much. Both of 赚大钱 and 赚小钱 are colloquial, we say them in a casual way.

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