Hey, I am BooleanCube. Just your average software developer and competitive programmer :0
Read more about me in my portfolio.
Most of my projects are open-sourced and available on my GitHub profile.
My game jam submissions can be found on my itch.io page.
On these, you'll find a bunch of my projects including:
- Lollipop (a simple anime discord bot)
- NeovimKeys (a gui application for learning vim keys HJKL and switching between modes fast
- WordleAI (an artificial intelligence algorithms that solves Wordle Puzzles for you
- JGMP (a math and physics library for 2d computer graphics written in Java)
- DiscordDB (the ultimate discord database library for JDA bot developers like myself)
- Enigma Simulation (a simulation of the enigma machine from WW2, Germany used for encryption and decryption)
- Image Manipulation and Ascii Generation (Used to generate images with ascii text and convert images to grayscale.
- Chaos Theory Research (a research paper written about my discoveries and exploration into the field of chaos.
- Immortality (a 2d platformer game built for one of the Brackeys Game Jams)
- Digit Detector (an artificial intelligence algorithm using neural networking to recognize hand-written numeric digits).
Any money donated goes back into projects. Thanks for your help!
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