What I Packed: The First Full Moon Zine ...

What I Packed: The First Full Moon Zine Distro

Dec 13, 2022

Hey there, peeps! I don't mean to alarm you, but it is December. I hope that information finds you planning lots of lighthearted festivities with loved ones. (If it does not, let me know. We can share some cookies. IRL or virtually. Seriously. You deserve cookies for getting through 2022. We all do.)

(Me. Feeling Festive AF with Tiger Lily in front of her beautifully decorated Christmas Tree)

A few months ago, I thought it would be a fun idea to add a physical "reward" for a Buy Me a Coffee Membership. Since mailing things on time is not one of my strongest skills, I was a little relieved that no one signed up. Bullet dodged!

UNTIL THIS MONTH. So, Ann... This one is for you.

I wasn't really sure how my Full Moon Zine Distro would look, but I'm really glad the first edition went to Ann. I really got to take my time to print, fold, and assemble a one-of-a-kind care package and it was even better knowing this parcel would arrive to Ann just in time for her birthday.

Here's a video of the insides!

Then I carefully shoved the whole thing into a flat rate, biked to the post office, and placed it in the capable hands of the USPS mail carriers. Imagine! A real package. Assembled and sent out in less than 24 hours. (I did a good job, and I am proud of myself. Woo!)

(pictured above, an unassuming flat rate, held mid frame to reveal my mOmnium bicycle locked to a black bike rack sporting one of my favorite stickers- QUEERS, written in mock Sega Genesis font)

Next month's Full Moon Zine Distro will be printed and packaged up on January 6th, 2023 (The Wolf Moon) and shipped out the next day. I don't know what the whole package will look like yet, but I did just receive my button machine, so I have some ideas kicking around about including a few of those shiny babes in there!

Video content is not my favorite to create, but I hope you all like it! For those of you good at putting yourself in moving pictures, let me know your tips. For everyone else, I'll see you next time.


(PS: Here is a video flip-through of my Hot Fresh Garbage Art Zine. I was inspired to create this from Ben over at Boring Friends. Ben makes really cool things and also just started an enjoyable newsletter. Thanks Ben! I haven't decided if I'll adapt this series of zines for wider distribution, but I really enjoyed the process of snipping and sticking together some of my sketches and writing together especially for Ann. Thanks Ann!)

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