Full Moon Reflections for September

Full Moon Reflections for September

Sep 20, 2021

Full Moon in Pisces on Tuesday 21st September 00:54 GMT

This particular full moon feels like it really is asking us to pause, to go within and nourish ourselves deeply.

Summer is over, we are in the week of transition as we acknowledge the autumn equinox on Wednesday and the full moon is shining a light on all that can assist in this time of change…should we wish to look at what’s really going on.

The card that I have picked for us today (see below) is really calling for us to go within and do a little self enquiry and a lot of listening and even more importantly than that REST.

Everything is changing all of the time, at the moment it feels hard to make plans for the future, many people are anxious about the future. It can be tiring and overwhelming to know what to do even in the short term.

I am often asked how can we really hear and trust in the answers we may receive from within and how to have faith in trusting that intuitive information we receive.

Firstly, we must learn to relax and rest properly. If the body is tense and the mind is scattered and you are very tired, it is going to be very hard to drop into those quiet depths of your being where intuitive wisdom can be heard.

Secondly, if we are finally relaxed enough to hear our inner voice, to accept it might not always give the answer that your mind had hoped, makes any sense initially and may not be in agreement with those around you but you will feel it so strongly to be true for you that once you’ve heard it, you can’t un-hear it even if you choose to ignore it.

Thirdly, it is scary sometimes to trust and act upon your inner wisdom because it usually means doing things differently than you’ve done before. It brings growth, new understanding and opportunities that you don’t get by doing the same thing over and over again.

So sometimes the only option if you really want something to be different from how it currently is, is to go within, ask yourself honest questions and listen for honest answers.

Rest and self care also gives us the energy, the strength and clarity needed to follow our intuitive action through. Please keep nourishing your mind, body and soul in all the ways that you can.

When we are low in reserves, it really does make life so much harder.

Take some this week through the full moon and equinox energy to rest and relax. Early nights, meditation, nidra, walks in the countryside, funny movies, uplifting music, whatever your soul calls for.

For buymeacoffee members, remember there is a full moon yoga nidra on the playlist plus the addition of yesterday mornings meditation and talk inspired by the kleshas.

On this Full Moon, I am also launching a new five week program on Zoom starting in October to help you find your feet on the spiritual path.

Buy me a coffee members will receive 10% discount on the course.

More info can be found here https://bodhiaspirations.com/the-three-jewels/

With love

Bodhini xx

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