My Desk Sits on a Stormy Sea

My Desk Sits on a Stormy Sea

Mar 15, 2023

Every morning, I'm struck with a flurry of ideas that often come bundled with thoughts of looming project deadlines. I'm always trying to find ways to make my ideas as creative as possible, and they often interweave with ongoing projects unexpectedly. I feel most content during the early morning hours when the world is still asleep. However, if I fail to bring my ideas to fruition, it feels like the stormy sea within me will persist until the next day.

As a writer, I know the feeling of when an idea has energy - it's like a small patch of blue sky peeking through a dark, angry storm cloud. For me, that's a sign that my thoughts are coalescing around a great idea that will require a full day's work.

Although the process of bringing an idea to life can be difficult and frustrating, whether it's writing 500-word geopolitical content or creating illustrations for a story, the satisfaction of completing a project brings me immense happiness. That patch of blue becomes a calm sea, and it makes all of the hard work worthwhile.

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