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About BMC workshop
Creating videos on my classic mini projects and MOTO Vlogs
Hey 👋 I just created a page here. You can now buy me a coffee!
Welcome to the coffee club page, here you can find out what's coming up on the channels in advance as well as regular updates, private members only videos and early access to some content before it go's live on YouTube.
Recent supporters
Nathan A. bought 3 coffees.
Great work Sean, love your videos.
Thank you for your continued support Nathan, it's very much appreaciated
Dan Mclean bought 5 coffees.
I have been busy quite a bit of late,,, keep up the good work mate,,, Im enjoying your updates
Thanks for your continued support Dan, I'm also enjoying your motorcycle videos, your new gopro really is superb!
Nathan A. bought 3 coffees.
great vid, good to see it coming along .
Thanks Nathan, it's really starting to come along now. Thanks for your support
Happy New Year Sean and thanks for all the video's in 2021
Thank you Stephn, very much appreciated. Happy New year 🎉
Many thanks for finding your way here! If you have enjoyed my content then why not say thanks and buy me a coffee! All donations are gratefully received and it will help me invest in the channel so I can keep bringing more content for you to watch.