Blazing Minds
22 supporters
Events Coverage and Covid19 in 2021

Events Coverage and Covid19 in 2021

Jan 11, 2021

It's looking like 2021 is going to be another unsure year for the world of live events, many events have been postponing their March dates for this year and moving them to around November this year.

As someone that covers events, this is a bit of a knockback but we persevere and keep strong through these dark times, suffice to say that there are several events that have moved to the online world such as the Sci-Fi Weekender which I have been attending since 2013.

I would like to say a massive thank you to those of you that will hopefully be helping out and supporting Blazing Minds through BMC, it's your support and kindness that is helping to keep me active my mind from going too loopy!

I will be adding some exclusive members/supporters only material very soon including some photos from behind the scenes at events and productions that I have been part of, so keep your eyes peeled

Thanks, everyone.
Karen (Founder of Blazing Minds)

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