About Vanessa Champion Editor Journal of Biophilic Design
publishing Biophilic Design podcast and magazine

Hello! Thank you for visiting. If you would like to buy us a small cup of coffee that would keep us going, thank you! We are academic publishers and podcast broadcasters of research into the health and environmental benefits of Biophilic Design, we interview thought leaders on many different aspects from urban planning to home design, architects to acousticians. Do follow us and thank you once again!
Recent supporters

Magdalena bought a coffee.

Ruth Guthrie bought a coffee.
Thanks so much Vanessa, I'm listening over in Byron bay Australia and learning so much to apply to my design business.

Coll Smith bought a coffee.
Love your podcasts and your magazines Ness

Lisa Norton bought a coffee.
Thank you, your podcasts are so helpful and inspiring!

Kim Merriman bought a coffee.
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