Hey there 👋
I run a small youtube channel where I intend to share my bioinformatics learnings by creating videos covering basic concepts, step-by-step tutorials and best practices. I strive to make my videos basic, easy to follow and intuitive. I started my channel with an idea that if my content helps at least one person, I would consider it a success.
I really hope my channel serves as a great resource and learning platform where bioinformaticians all around the world could connect, learn and share ideas.
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bella_belantis hat ein coffee gekauft.
CG hat 3 coffees gekauft.
Thank you so much for your informative channel on youtube. I have been learning a lot from your tutorial videos. Appreciate all your effort.
Someone hat 5 coffees gekauft.
kieumanhuy hat ein coffee gekauft.
Your channel is very helpful