Next TF2 video WIP

Next TF2 video WIP

Apr 28, 2023

i haven't really been sure about showing WIP screenshots, probably a concern of spending too much time hyping up something rather than having it out, maybe i'll be more comfortable with a paywall since i'm reluctant to show much publicly, probably to avoid unnecessary hype.
i already shared one on a youtube community post, and it was easier to share since most of the heavy lifting was already done (sorting the right demos, rendering, re-rendering, rendering different camera angles, importing it in video editor).

if you didn't know already, i use Lawena to render my demo footage; not a screen recorder like OBS. this makes the end product less affected by video compression as i start with an uncompressed image from the beginning. since i use demos, which have lower file size than a .mp4 file, i can focus more of my drive space to the final renders of the footage (many, many image sequences).

i will try to upload WIP screenshots throughout active projects here.
if you have questions about my process, feel free to ask here.

tf2 frag video, featuring various camera shots using Lawena + HLAE

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