Some events stay with you through the years. Last week, Barbara wrote about one of those events that took place over 75 years ago. You can tell from reading the story that it’s remembered as if it were yesterday. Whether you celebrate Christmas or the holiday season, I’m sharing this story Barbara wrote because it touched me deeply. I thought perhaps some of you would also enjoy it. I’ve inc...
For Christmas A True Story by Barbara
Dec 23, 2024
85 Visualizaciones
I type a lot, and my old keyboard was clunky and getting noisy. I decided to replace it with a new and quiet model. Simple enough, right? As an Amazon person who prefers having thing delivered, I went right to the keyboard page of Amazon to find my next keyboard. Whoa, did I say page, change that to pages? Having been an IT Manager for many years, I know there are different keyboards, but this is ...
Replacing a Keyboard Can Be Simple or Not.
Nov 09, 2024
126 Visualizaciones