Very Scary Day Today!!!

Very Scary Day Today!!!

Aug 03, 2022

Today was a very scary day for me as I headed out for a walk around the block with Mare in the guinea pig stroller and my friend Kathy. I was said to Kathy, "Wow, my spinal shots have made a difference in improving my walking." We turned the corner and about halfway down the block I lost feeling from the waist down in BOTH LEGS!!! This was the first time this has ever happen to me as it is usually just my right leg. Being unable to walk forward or backward, I grabbed onto this brick half wall of the house I was standing infront of to keep me from falling. Kathy directed me to sit on the floor so I dont collapse, as I couldnt even make it to sit on the stairs of the persons house that was just a few feet away. I had to call my mother to bring me my walker (I had been balancing myself against the pet stroller). My mom helped me off the sidewalk and got me to lean on the walker and I barely made it back to my parents house (just a few feet away). I held onto the railing and my mother had to lift my legs manually up each stair which there are 5 stairs infront of the front door. I have an emergency appt with the neurologist this thursday. Hopefully I get this mess sort out!

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