Joey Taleño
1 sostenitore
New, Fun & Easy Way To Achieve Set Goals ...

New, Fun & Easy Way To Achieve Set Goals with Tasks

Mar 28, 2022

Where there is no vision, the people perish: Proverbs 29:18a KJV

Now that we can assess and visualize the current state of our life balance from our previous blog post, I think it is high time for us to take it to the next level by asking the following questions.

What can we do now to the areas of our life that are not doing okay? How can we improve those life areas where we scored low? Let's see!

How is your life balance?

If you don't know yet, please sign-in to and know your life balance in less than 5 minutes.

But if you already know, did you get a perfect spider web (meaning every area of your life got very high score)?

If yes, then a big kudos to you! You are now living the dream. To have a happy and well balanced life. 😉

But if not, don't be sad. You are not alone. I myself have an out of balance life as of the writing of this article. See image below.
For instance, my life balance above tells me that I need to focus on my professional, financial and physical health areas of my life. 😅

Now, being aware of the areas where I am weak, poses a question that I asked myself, what can I do and how then can I improve it?

Introducing: Goals with Tasks 🎯

From that problem comes the idea for making a way to be able to set goals that aims to give direction on how to improve the weak areas of my life.

However, the problem with most goals are it usually becomes stagnant because of many factors but one of which is basically about the lack of action.

Hence, I thought it is not enough to just set a goal for the sake of having a goal. We need an element that allows us to move and make actions for us to reach and close those goals. And that's where the idea for having a way to add tasks come from.

It aims to breakdown the goal into smaller pieces called tasks to make our actions more simple, realistic, less overwhelming and achievable. Also helping us to have a sense of accomplishment that leads to increase our motivation.

Wait there's more!

I was actually inspired by one of the works of Liz Fosslien (see image below) that shows how big of a change we can make in a year or a period of time just by consistently doing what seemingly small steps everyday.
Hence, I tried to make something similar with the best of my ability and below is the outcome. A simple bar chart where the bars represent the small steps or in our case the small tasks that we accomplished everyday.
As time goes by, expect to see something very similar to Liz Fosslien's illustration if you set a big goal that needs a whole year to complete. 😊

Try it now!

Please try this new feature, Goals with Tasks, and let me know your thoughts. You can send a direct message to me via for any issues, concerns, suggestions or feedback. 😉

This blog post is originally published in

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