Thank you and Welcome, Beyonder!

Thank you and Welcome, Beyonder!

Mar 23, 2020

Hello, Beyonder!

That sounds like a strange name to call fellow writers and workshop friends, but I think it's a moniker that works. Besides being a series by Brandon Mull, I think it describes a sense of being that encapsulates the will to venture far and deep into the unknown. We want to instill this sense of courage and curiosity in our students, especially with stories or big hairy ideas. We want students to be brave enough to be a seeker and explore where and what others have ignored. That's where gold is found. We are pioneers, adventurers, and explorers. We begin with that blank space, stare into the abyss, and say, "Okay. Yes. Let's see what's here." Let's dive deep, push a little further, and see what we uncover. I promise you will be surprised what shows up on the page. And, if we're all lucky, you'll share the record of your story, and we'll be in awe of your treasure.

Welcome, Beyonder!

Beyond the Box Learning

Shu-Hsien Ho

Royd Hatta

Amy Grover

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