We-Learn Weekly: October 20, 2021

We-Learn Weekly: October 20, 2021

Oct 20, 2021

This week’s sweets: Inclusive onboarding, creating community in virtual training, free accessibility course, learning design basics, gaming for change, and improving your personal brand!

It’s Wednesday and I’m here again with your dose of ID, LXD, and L&D sweets!  Enjoy and share the goodies with others!  🍭🍬🍫

If you have any resources or events you feel would be helpful to the community, be sure to contact me with the details so I can share the goodies with everyone!

Note:  Clicking on the titles below will take you directly to the resources being offered.  I’ve also included the links in the description, as well as other helpful links.

💡 You may also read We-Learn Weekly posts on my website.

Inclusive Design for New Employee Onboarding: Whose Job is it Anyway | October 21, 2021

TLDC (The Training, Learning, and Development Community) is hosting a webinar with Rubina Halwani on how L&D professionals can promote cultural inclusion and employee belonging in their new hire onboarding.  Register for the event on October 21, 2021.

Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

During a wonderful webinar today between Tim Slade and Jim McKinley Brown, Jim highly recommended folks read Donald Miller‘s book “Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen“.  This is definitely on my list to read next!

Owning Your Personal Brand

Continuing on with the previous theme, The Mom Project has a recording of a fabulous webinar recording: Owning Your Personal Brand with Mariela de la Mora and June Caloroso.  Bonus points: they offer a full transcript of the video on their website.  I’m awarding them an A+ for accessibility! 

Creating Connections and Community in Your Live Virtual Traning

ATD is hosting a webinar on October 27, 2021: Creating Connections and Community in Your Live Virtual Training.  Join Ben Lowell in learning how to create human connections through virtual platforms and tools to foster community.

Learn Design Basics from Figma

Figma has some great lessons on learning basic design skills for free on their site, along with design exercises and practice files.

Free Digital Accessibility Foundations Online Course by W3C

W3C has published a wonderful, free, online course teaching Digital Accessibility Foundations.  They’ve structured the course so that you can choose your focus, such as coding, design, writing, advocacy, managing, etc.!

Games for Change

In a recent Edcamp I moderated on motivation, a lovely attendee shared with us a nonprofit organization she serves as a volunteer called Games for Change.  They have SO many games available for all ages and topics, from civic issues to advancing STEAM skills.

Image description: a black background displays a light blue lightbulb with a plant growing inside (the logo for Bela’s website) with yellow dots surrounding it. Beneath is “We-Learn, Weekly ID, LXD, and L&D treats” along with “Bela Gaytan” and “belagaytan.com” in green, coral, and yellow colors.

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